Sunday, May 27, 2012

Preschool Graduation

I can't believe I have a 5 year old that is going to be starting KINDERGARTEN isn't that so crazy! Eth has gone to 2 years of preschool, it's just at a ladies house Sharolyn Kelley and she is awesome! Eth loves her and he really did learn so much I'm way impressed. I'll send Brock there for preschool (weird) There theme was "MONSTERS" they sang cute songs did a little program, so cute to see my bugs and what he has learned all year!

 Brock wanted to sit by his bro
 Getting ready for there program

 cute monsters- this was to the book "where the wild things are"
 Lily and Eth- they became friends last year and they are pretty much like brother and sister!
 This is Aleaha, Eth became friends with her...I had to get her # so we can call her and invite her over. E only has been asking everyday since preschool ended if she could come over yet!
 YUMMY, Brock licking all the frosting off his cupcake!
 Eth,Mrs.Kelley, Lily
 Mamma and my cute boys!

Now lets get summer started! I'm ready for swimming and camping WOO HOO!

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